Global Warming Paragraph For HSC & SSC | Multiple Varients

[DISCLAIMER: Paragraphs must be written in one para. But here we used multiple paras to help you read and memorize easily. Make sure you don’t write multiple paras in the exam!]

Global Warming Paragraph can be important for competitive exams or Board exams such as HSC (Higher Secondary School Certificate), SSC (Secondary School Certificate), etc.

Write a paragraph on “Global Warming” answering the following questions:

  • What is global warming?
  • What are the causes of global warming?
  • What are the effects of it?
  • How can we prevent global warming?
  • If we fail to prevent it, what may happen in near future?

Global Warming Paragraph
(Varient 1)


The term ‘Global Warming’ refers to the rise in the temperature of the planet, earth. Nowadays, global warming has made environmentalists ( পরিবেশবিদ ) think about the dreadful ( ভয়ঙ্কর ) consequences ( পরিণতি ). It has become a threat to all living beings on earth.

Global warming is the result of the greenhouse effect. It is the gradual warming of the air because of heat being trapped in the earth. This is happening because of environmental pollution. We are destroying our tropical ( গ্রীষ্মমন্ডলীয় ) rain forests by establishing industries, mills, and factories and using CFC gas. Thus, we are polluting our environment.

Through the destruction and burning down of our forests, the amount of carbon dioxide is increasing. The increased amount of carbon dioxide around the earth has made a layer in space. The sun’s rays are coming through the layer but the heat cannot pass through that layer. This is why the heat is being trapped in the earth and making our globe warmer. As a result, the temperature of the world is increasing day by day.

The weather pattern is changing. The alarming news is that the polar ice caps are melting and this might cause the flooding of huge areas of the globe. Bangladesh cannot escape the paws of this enemy. The lower southern part of the country may go underwater one day.

Effective measures should be taken by the world community to control global warming. The emission ( নিঃসরণ ) of carbon dioxide should be reduced. Deforestation ( বন নিধন ) must be stopped and more trees should be planted. Above all, people should be aware of preventing the pollution of the environment.

Global Warming Paragraph
(Varient 2)


Global warming is one of the most pressing issues facing our world today. It has been identified as a major cause of climate change and rising sea levels, devastating ( বিধ্বংসী ) local ecosystems, causing food shortages in some places and even leading to more extreme weather events such as hurricanes and droughts ( খরা ).

One of the main causes of global warming is burning fossil fuels by humans; this releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which traps heat from sunlight, thus raising average temperatures around the world.

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Other activities like land clearing for crop cultivation and animal rearing also contribute significantly to CO2 emissions. The primary effects include melting glaciers ( হিম ) which leads to sea-level rise with far-reaching effects on habitats; declining agricultural production due to increased temperature variability resulting from climate changes; displacement of populations affected by floods or desertification caused by changing precipitation patterns etc.

In conclusion ,global warming remains an urgent threat that must be addressed through collective action including better policies worldwide adopting renewable energy sources such as solar power instead of using traditional energy sources generated out f coal or oil will go a long way in reducing Carbon Dioxide emission globally .

Global Warming Paragraph
(Varient 3)


Global warming is the planet’s increasing temperature due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

Carbon dioxide in our atmosphere acts like a blanket trapping heat, slowly raising temperatures all around us and leading to potentially devastating ( বিধ্বংসী ) effects on weather, food production, health and sea levels.

If left unchecked climate change could threaten ecosystems and entire species of animals by 2050 due to higher air temperatures reducing oxygen content and threatening their habitats could disrupt ( ব্যাহত করা ) global agriculture from extreme heat and degrading land or cause diseases to spread from North-to-South with rising ocean levels and flooding coastal ( উপকূল ) cities worldwide.

By taking action today we can make earth healthier for future generations; transitioning renewable sources for electricity generation inspire efficiency with full electric car solutions & use efficient heating techniques in buildings also planting trees making earth greener thus preventing further damage before its too late.

Every individual should be responsible enough which will produce positive results globally adjusting climate period eventually altering life style standards positively across the globe

Global Warming Paragraph
(Varient 4)


The world is facing a universal challenge of global warming. A direct result of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere, its effects are seen in high temperatures and extreme weather events across different parts of the globe.

Global warming disrupts ( ব্যাহত করা ) ecosystems and negatively impacts food production and resources around the world.

In order to reduce global temperature rise, efforts need to be made on individual as well as corporate levels whether it’s using renewable sources for energy or switching to electric transportation options like bicycles and buses that produce zero emissions.

Governments must take action by introducing legislation with stringent ( কঠোর ) emission standards for businesses; individuals also have their part to play by critically examining wasteful practices when going through everyday life such as disposing of batteries correctly instead of burning them away releasing poisonous gases which accelerate global warming’s destruction.

Timely collective action can stop this alarming household activity from speeding up any further, ushering ( উপস্থাপক ) in greener pastures ( চারণভূমি ) ahead all over the world so nature goes back in balance again with warmer balanced temperatures where we live sustainable lives throughout 2023 and future generations too.

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Global Warming Paragraph
(Varient 5)


Global warming is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today. It refers to an increase in average global surface temperature due to increased concentrations of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide and methane, released into Earth’s atmosphere.

The impact of global warming can be seen in changes to weather patterns, sea level rise, depletion ( অবক্ষয় ) of glaciers ( হিমবাহ ) and ice caps, shifting animal habitats and water availability as well as weakened food sources all causing devastating consequences for human populations around the world.

Some predict climate conditions could get even worse if we don’t immediately reduce total fossil fuel use or implement effective strategies to combat global warming.

There are many initiatives both locally and globally being put in place by countries hoping to mitigate ( প্রশমিত করা ) damages caused by rising temperatures but without a comprehensive plan on reducing emissions from burning fossil fuels used mainly in vehicles and industrial applications, it is unlikely that these efforts will succeed in reversing their damaging effects already taking hold on our environment.

Global Warming Paragraph
(Varient 6)


Global warming is a serious environmental issue that has been steadily increasing over the last few decades through activities such as burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial activity.

This increase in average global temperatures affects weather patterns, ocean levels, animal habitats, and all aspects of life on Earth. It can also lead to catastrophic ( বিপর্যয়কর ) events such as floods, droughts and fires if left unchecked.

To mitigate ( প্রশমিত করা ) this effect we must reduce our use of energy derived from fossil fuels like coal or gas and shift towards renewable resources instead.

Outreach programs are needed to raise awareness about climate change so people can become more aware of its impacts before it becomes an increasingly acute problem in the future.

Global Warming Paragraph
(Varient 7)


Global warming is an urgent and pressing issue facing the globe. With temperatures around the world steadily rising, it has become clear that something must be done to address this growing threat.

As many scientific studies have shown, human activities are a major contributing factor to this ongoing phenomenon.

Unless decisive action is taken on both individual and governmental levels in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally, we stand to face far-reaching consequences regarding extreme weather events as well our environment overall.

Thankfully, there are already numerous strategies available that can help tackle climate change. It just takes collective will and effort from all nations in order for them to work successfully.

Global Warming Paragraph
(Varient 8)


Global warming is a pressing global concern caused by the excessive releasing of emissions from burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil.

These emissions trap heat in the atmosphere which causes an increase in temperatures around the world that can last for decades or centuries after the activity has ended.

The effects of this phenomenon are visible all over the globe, with higher average temperatures worldwide leading to extreme weather events like stronger storms, flash flooding, wildfires and more severe droughts -all of which have devastating consequences on human lives and habitats.

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In recent years we’ve seen sea levels slowly but steadily rising due to thermal expansion combined with melting glaciers and ice sheets also linked directly to global warming; scientists estimate it may cause up to 3 meters (10 feet) rise during this century if current trends continue unchecked.

In order for us leave future generations with a livable planet, drastic measures must be taken immediately both at individual level increasing energy efficiency practices reducing waste-and collectively by governments putting into action meaningful climate change policies such as ambitious renewable energy goals .

As citizens our voices matter too: lobbying against companies encouraging pollution or investing wisely like avoiding funds relying heavily on fossil fuel production can soon make an impactful difference in facing down these complex challenges brought forth first hand by global warming. We need act fast now so we have time left later

Global Warming Paragraph
(Varient 9)


Global warming is a serious issue that has been affecting the world for many years. It is caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, in the atmosphere which trap heat which would otherwise escape to space.

This causes temperatures on Earth to continually rise at an unnatural rate resulting in melting glaciers ( হিমবাহ ), rising sea levels, flooding cities and extreme weather events becoming more common.

Global warming also affects biodiversity with species going extinct due to their habitats changing rapidly or not being able to be reached eventually.

It is up to us now if humanity will attempt to reverse global warning effects from getting worse but it requires change from everyone both large corporate companies utilizing renewable energy sources instead of fossil fuels and small changes like reducing your household food waste or choosing less plastic packaging daily items you purchase can make a difference.

Governments around the world should implement policies across all industries concerning emissions regulations reintroducing other methods besides carbon taxes for businesses developing green technologies whilst educating citizens about climate change so they understand why sustainability initiatives help protect Planet earth’s survival tips into future generations too come

Global Warming Paragraph
(Varient 10)


Global warming is rapidly transforming our planet and its ecosystems, presenting all of us with a real danger for the future.

Human activities are one of the foremost causes of global warming; burning fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases which trap excess heat in the atmosphere leading to rising temperatures that disrupt ( ব্যাহত করা ) weather patterns and increasingly extreme events such as floods and droughts.

If left unchecked, global warming will cause irreparable damage to human life and the natural environment we depend on for survival. We must act now if we want to protect both our present prosperity and create safe conditions for future generations.

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