Dream Paragraph For HSC & SSC

[DISCLAIMER: Paragraphs must be written in one para. But here we used multiple paras to help you read and memorize easily. Make sure you don’t write multiple paras in the exam!]

Write a paragraph on “Dream” answering the following questions:

  • What is Dream?
  • When do we usually dream?
  • What kind of Dreams do we see?
  • Do Dreams impact us in real life?

Table of Contents

(Type 1)


When we dream, we are usually peacefully asleep in our beds. We may be sleeping soundly or lightly, but our brain is still active and working. Dreams are a type of thinking that happens during sleep. Most dreams occur during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep when our brain is very active.

Dreams can happen at any time during sleep, but they are most likely to happen during REM sleep. Dreams are interesting because they can be about anything; they are not always logical or realistic. They can be about people or places we know, or they can be completely random.

Dreams can be happy, sad, frightening, or even bizarre ( উদ্ভট). The content of our dreams is often influenced by what we have been thinking about during the day. REM sleep is important for both physical and mental health. It helps to restore energy levels and to process information from the day.

For example, if you learn something new while you are awake, your brain will consolidate ( একত্রিত করা ) that information while you sleep so that it becomes long-term memory. Dreams also help us to process emotions; they allow us to work through feelings that we may not have otherwise dealt with consciously.

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Most dreams last between 5 and 20 minutes, although some people report dreaming for much longer periods. It is thought that we dream several times per night, although most of us do not remember our dreams when we wake up in the morning.

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